sql Table Sizes
--adapted from: http://www.mitchelsellers.com/blogs/articletype/articleview/articleid/121/determing-sql-server-table-size.aspx DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(100) --For storing values in the cursor --Cursor to get the name of all user tables from the sysobjects listing DECLARE tableCursor CURSOR FOR --original: /* Select [name] From dbo.sysobjects Where OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1 */ --updated 2011-06-14 to allow cross-database/schema execution: Select TableName = CASE schema_id WHEN 5 THEN 'MySchema.' + [name] ELSE [name] END From MyDatabase.sys.objects Where is_ms_shipped = 0 And [type] = 'U' And [name] != 'dbo.tbl_ProblemTable'--this table causes problems Order By TableName Asc FOR READ ONLY --A procedure level temp table to store the results CREATE TABLE #TempTable ( TableName varchar(100), NumberOfRows varchar(100), ReservedSize varchar(50), DataSize varchar(50), IndexSize varchar(50), UnusedSize varchar(50) ) --Open the cursor OPEN tableCursor --Get the first table name from the cursor FETCH NEXT FROM tableCursor INTO @TableName --Loop until the cursor was not able to fetch WHILE (@@Fetch_Status >= 0) BEGIN --Dump the results of the sp_spaceused query to the temp table INSERT #TempTable EXEC sp_spaceused @TableName --Get the next table name FETCH NEXT FROM tableCursor INTO @TableName END --Get rid of the cursor CLOSE tableCursor DEALLOCATE tableCursor --Select all records so we can use the results SELECT TableName, NumberOfRows, ReservedSize, DataSize, IndexSize, UnusedSize FROM #TempTable ORDER BY Cast(Replace(DataSize,' KB','') As int) Desc --order by int version of the size --Final cleanup! DROP TABLE #TempTable
Lists all tables and their sizes within a database.
Updated: Wednesday 6th July 2011, 07:56pm
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