vb Geo Coding with Google API
Function GeoCode(strAddress) Dim strURL Dim xmlhttp Dim strServerName Dim strKey Dim strGeoCodeResponse Dim GeoArray 'get Server Name strServerName = lcase(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")) strServerName = Replace(strServerName,"www.","") 'cater for both www and non-www URLs 'set API Key according to Server Name Select Case strServerName Case "localhost" strKey = "abc123" Case "example.com" strKey = "123abc" End Select 'format user input for use with GeoCode strAddress = MaxLength(strAddress,1024) strAddress = Replace(strAddress," ","+") 'build URL to call strURL = "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=" & strAddress & "&output=csv&gl=uk&key=" & strKey Response.Write(strURL & "<br />") 'call URL Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmlhttp.open "GET",strURL,false xmlhttp.send "" strGeoCodeResponse = xmlhttp.ResponseText Set xmlhttp = nothing 'build array from GeoCode response GeoArray = Split(strGeoCodeResponse,",") 'build response from last 2 items in array (latitude and longitude) strGeoCodeResponse = GeoArray(2) & "," & GeoArray(3) GeoCode = strGeoCodeResponse End Function
Geo Coding an address using the Google API.
Updated: Monday 4th October 2010, 10:36pm
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