vb Loop through recordset
Dim conn Dim rs Dim x Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open Application("ConnectionString") If conn.state = 1 Then Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") rs.Open "Select * From myTable",conn,0,1 If Not rs.BOF Then Response.Write "<table>" 'loop through header row first For Each x In rs.Fields Response.Write "<td><strong>" Response.Write(x.name) Response.Write("</strong></td>") Next 'loop through each data row Do While Not rs.EOF Response.Write "<tr>" For Each x In rs.Fields Response.Write "<td>" Response.Write(x.value) Response.Write("</td>") Next Response.Write("</tr>") rs.MoveNext Loop Response.Write "</table>" End If rs.close conn.close End If Set rs = nothing Set conn = nothing
Loops through both the header and data rows in a recordset, writing them out after each iteration.
Updated: Tuesday 5th October 2010, 11:02pm
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