javascript Loop through QueryString

function LoopThroughQueryString(obj) {
    //loops through queryString
    var queryString = unescape(;
    //if no querystring (homepage etc.) then exit
    if (!queryString) {
        return {};
    //remove the ?
    queryString = queryString.substring(1);
    //split querystring into key/value pairs
    var pairs = queryString.split("&");
    //load the pairs into a collection
    for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
        //split into key/value pair by splitting on =
        var keyValuePair = pairs[i].split("=");
		//keyValuePair[0] = key
		//keyValuePair[1] = value
        if (keyValuePair[0] == 'Key') {
			alert("Value = " + keyValuePair[1];
Splits a QueryString into an array and loops through it - looking for a match.

Updated: Thursday 7th October 2010, 05:11pm

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