vb Date Time formatting
<% time() '4:40:02 PM date() '10/8/2010 now() '10/8/2010 4:40:02 PM FormatDateTime(Date, 0) '10/8/2010 FormatDateTime(Date, 1) 'Friday, October 08, 2010 FormatDateTime(now, 3) '4:40:02 PM FormatDateTime(now, 4) '16:40 WeekDay(Date) 'Day of the week: 6 Day(Date) 'Day of the month: 8 Year(Date) 'Current Year: 2010 Right(Year(Date),2)) 'Current Year: 10 WeekDayName(WeekDay(Date)) 'Today is: Friday hour(now()) 'Hour part: 16 Minute(now()) 'Minute part: 40 Second(now()) 'Second part: 2 %>
Examples of date/time in ASP.
Updated: Friday 8th October 2010, 07:04pm
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