vb Get CSS file depending on browser
Public Function CSS() 'determines which additional style sheet to call, depending on the user's browser - which allows for browser specific styles Dim strCSS Dim strMedia Dim strUserAgent Dim strReturn strUserAgent = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") strMedia = "screen" strCSS = "" If InStr(strUserAgent,"MSIE 6.0")>0 Then strCSS = "ie6.css" ElseIf InStr(strUserAgent,"MSIE 7.0")>0 Then strCSS = "ie7.css" ElseIf InStr(strUserAgent,"MSIE 8.0")>0 Then strCSS = "ie8.css" ElseIf InStr(strUserAgent,"Chrome")>0 Then strCSS = "chrome.css" ElseIf InStr(strUserAgent,"Safari")>0 Then strCSS = "safari.css" ElseIf InStr(strUserAgent,"Opera")>0 Then strCSS = "opera.css" ElseIf InStr(strUserAgent,"Firefox")>0 Then strCSS = "firefox.css" End If If Application("Debug") = 1 Then Response.Write("<!--User Agent:" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & "-->" & vbcrlf) End If If strCSS <> "" Then strReturn = ("<link href=""" & Application("CDN") & "css/" & strCSS & """ rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" media=""" & strMedia & """ />") End If CSS = strReturn End Function
Writes out a link to a browser specific CSS file depending on which browser the visitor is using - as used within slickcms
Updated: Saturday 9th October 2010, 23:47pm
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