vb Drive information
Sub GetDrives() 'opens txt file and creates list of drives Dim strReturn, strLine Dim f, fs Dim aLine, strName, strPath Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f=fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("drives.txt"), 1) Do While f.AtEndOfStream = false strLine = f.ReadLine If Len(strLine)>1 Then 'allow for blanks If Left(strLine,1) <> "#" Then 'allow for comments aLine = Split(strLine,"|") strName = aLine(0) strPath = aLine(1) Call ShowDriveInfo(strName,strPath) End If End If Loop f.Close Set f=Nothing Set fs=Nothing End Sub Sub ShowDriveInfo(drvName,drvPath) On Error Resume Next Dim fso, drv, s Dim intTotal, intFree, intPercent, intUsed, strClass Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set drv = fso.GetDrive(fso.GetDriveName(drvPath)) intTotal = ConvertBytes(drv.TotalSize,"Gb") intFree = ConvertBytes(drv.FreeSpace,"Gb") intUsed = ConvertBytes((drv.TotalSize - drv.FreeSpace),"Gb") 'all of the below are available 'drv.VolumeName 'drv.DriveLetter 'GetDriveType(drv.DriveType) 'drv.FileSystem 'drv.IsReady 'drv.Path 'drv.RootFolder 'drv.SerialNumber 'ConvertBytes(drv.TotalSize,"Gb") 'ConvertBytes(drv.FreeSpace,"Gb") 'ConvertBytes(drv.AvailableSpace,"Gb") Set fso = Nothing Set drv = Nothing intPercent = FormatNumber(((intFree/intTotal)*100),0) strClass = "" If intPercent < 12 Then strClass = "class=""low""" Response.Write("<tr " & strClass & ">") Response.Write("<td>" & drvName & "</td>") Response.Write("<td align=""right"">" & intTotal & "</td>") Response.Write("<td align=""right"">" & intFree & "</td>") Response.Write("<td align=""right"">" & intUsed & "</td>") Response.Write("<td align=""right"">" & intPercent & "</td>") Response.Write("</tr>") End Sub Function GetDriveType(intDriveType) Dim strReturn Select Case CInt(intDriveType) Case 1 strReturn = "removable" Case 2 strReturn = "fixed" Case 3 strReturn = "network" Case 4 strReturn = "CD-ROM" Case 5 strReturn = "RAM disk" Case Else strReturn = "unknown" '0 End Select GetDriveType = strReturn End Function Function ConvertBytes(intBytes,strTo) Select Case lcase(strTo) Case "kb" intBytes = FormatNumber(intBytes/1024, 2) Case "mb" intBytes = FormatNumber((intBytes/1024)/1024, 2) Case "gb" intBytes = FormatNumber(((intBytes/1024)/1024)/1024, 2) Case "tb" intBytes = FormatNumber((((intBytes/1024)/1024)/1024)/1024, 2) Case Else intBytes = intBytes End Select ConvertBytes = CStr(intBytes) End Function '.txt file looks like this (without ASP comments): '#Enter all drives here using UNC path, e.g. \\server\share\ '#Syntax is Name|Path 'MyServer C:\|\\myserver\c$\ 'MyServer D:\|\\myserver\d$\
Displays drive information for a specified list of drives.
Updated: Saturday 9th October 2010, 08:27pm
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